Furniture photo shoots have long been the only way to showcase furniture. So, to launch a new collection, manufacturers called on photographers and relied on them. And even IKEA was in the same boat.Things changed, however, two years ago. The Swedish retailer has admitted that most of their most beautiful catalog photos are created using 3D visualization, whether modeling their objects on a white background or staging them in the right atmosphere.Currently, 75% of images are realistic renderings, and let’s face it, they’re absolutely gorgeous. In fact, these renderings are so striking that, according to the Wall Street Journal, there are twice as many printed IKEA catalogs as there are prints of the Bible. Isn’t that a success?To make the transition from furniture photography to 3D visualization of furnishings, IKEA has spared no expense. The Swedish company has set up its own team of 3D artists. And to ensure that these artists perfectly conveyed the IKEA spirit, they had to take photography courses to improve their knowledge of realistic lighting, color and composition. In the end, the rendered images of their furniture are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.For the record, IKEA’s 3D artists showed a selection of real and computer-rendered photos to a 3D specialist. He said that some of the photos were absolutely horrible and needed to be reworked. But the images he had chosen were in fact real photos!So why choose to go into 3D visualization of furnishings and create a team specifically for this? There must be some reason why major manufacturers like IKEA, Nobilia, Miele and so many others produce 3D visualizations rather than photo shoots.Does 3D rendering improve sales and marketing? That’s the question.Let’s take a look at what these two solutions offer, and identify why IKEA chose this bold choice.#1 – Time spent creating visualsThis is a concern taken very seriously by furniture manufacturers. The repercussions of exceeding deadlines are enormous and obvious: no photos = no catalog; no catalog = no orders from retailers, no presentation of new collections, no new customers at trade fairs, etc.With furniture photo shoots, companies go through a long process: creation of furniture prototypes, numerous trips back and forth between the workshop and the photo studio, then post-production so that the photos are finally ready for printing. On average, it takes 2 weeks to photograph 15 chairs.3D visualization of furnishings follows a completely different process. There are just two points: the completion of project-specific details and project approval. What happens in between is up to the supplier:He doesn’t concern himself with the project until the approval date,He checks the interim results and suggests modifications.This means no logistics: no need to attend photo shoots or deliver furniture. Two options are available:The studio responsible for 3D furniture staging models from scratch – which takes time,The supplier sends photos or plans of the prototype to the service provider – faster and less costly.And if the supplier is in a hurry, by using the services of a responsive 3D visualization of furnishings agency, several teams are available. In an emergency, the work can be done quickly because it will be distributed between different teams. In this way, the work on some fifteen reasonably complex armchairs can be completed in less than a week and a half.This is one of the reasons why IKEA chose virtual furniture staging: it speeds up the creative process.#2 – the cost of a photo shoot and the cost of 3D visualization of furnishings Cost-effectiveness is another major factor to consider. Expenses are, of course, unavoidable. What if suppliers could avoid or drastically reduce costs? Let’s take a look at the cost items.When opting for photo shoots, here are some of the expenses furniture manufacturers can expect to incur:Prototype production. To produce a commercial model, we often have to go through a series of trials (colors, textures, shapes…). This is expensive and wasteful: prototypes always end up being thrown away.Transport. All these prototypes have to be transported to the shooting location, which is not always nearby.Rental. Companies need to find places to store prototypes – before and after transport or the photo shoot.Imagine what it would have cost IKEA to manufacture every single piece in their collection!Having dwelt on photos, let’s now look at 3D visualization of furnishings. Since there’s no shipping of furniture, there’s no need to spend money on transport, storage facilities, lifting equipment and so on. The decor is created virtually, or chosen from a library of digital objects, making the creation process even cheaper.#3 – the effort required for photo shoots and 3D visualization of furnishings Furniture manufacturers usually have mixed feelings about the launch of a new collection. They’re both excited and apprehensive, because there’s a lot of stress in store. So, is there a difference between photo shoots and 3D visualization of furnishings in terms of workload?When it comes to photo shoots, there’s a lot of organizational work to be done: transporting the decor and furniture to be coordinated, renting space, finding the right photographer… Of course, the manufacturer can delegate this task to an assistant. But in the final analysis, he alone will bear the responsibility if something goes wrong – in other words, if the deadline is missed. So he’ll naturally be worried, and probably irritated, throughout the whole process.When it comes to 3D furniture staging, on the other hand, there are only two points that require his active involvement: the finalization of all project details, and his approval of the final delivery. Of course, he can be as involved as he likes: requesting intermediate results or leaving everything to the 3D artists.#4 – flexibility: how corrections are madeambiance dans un salon avec un tableau et une plante vertelampe et pieds de table noirscanapécarrelage gris brillantFor professionals, photographers or 3D artists, corrections are always part of the process. The question is “is it practical?”.For furniture photo shoots, the correction process is fairly limited: once a photo is made, it’s made. Apart from a few adjustments or modifications, there’s nothing you can do afterwards. If substantial changes are required, the company has to organize a new photo shoot. That’s why finding the right service provider is vital!When it comes to 3D visualization of furnishings, changes to the ambience (decor) or the furniture itself (color, texture…) are commonplace. Changes can be made as often as required. Want some late afternoon lighting in your space? That’s it! Would you like to highlight the chairs with brighter lighting? Let’s try it! Want to position the chair at a different angle? We can do it! Describe the task precisely and get exactly what you want. #5 – customization options with 3D visualization of furnishingsPlay Video Furniture manufacturers want to show just how well each item in a new collection can fit into different environments. Or that this beautiful living room table is available in different colors – to suit any living room.What if the visuals are created with photography? All models are produced and photographed in any desired setting.With 3D furniture staging, it’s a totally different story. Here’s how it works:The 3D artist creates a model that can be easily modified later. He can change the material or color of the furniture, add accessories if necessary, and so on.This model can be placed in any decor desired by the customer. In this case, two options are also possible:He creates a custom scene,he uses a scene selected from the 3D visualization studio’s database – easy, fast and less expensive.Conclusion: 3D furniture staging has a bright future ahead of it!Now you know everything a furniture manufacturer needs to know when choosing between photo shoots and 3D furniture staging. As you can see, the quality of photos and renderings are very similar – thanks to the infinite possibilities of Max and Vray 3D rendering software. But the cost and workflow make all the difference.It’s up to you to decide which solution is right for you, and create stunning catalogs. For strikingly realistic 3D furniture staging, contact Le Studio 3D. We’ll make sure your visuals are produced on time and reflect the most striking ambience. Our 3D artists will create realistic, photo-like images of your furniture in any scene you desire! And all at a very reasonable price!A projet in perspective ?Let’s meet !Contact us